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  • courage & doll

That's Okay, I Got Eucalyptus In My Mind: Tayla's Finals Week Talk Down - Episode 69

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

Who let me have a microphone, and since when is "that's okay" my catchphrase?

No, seriously? Since when?

This week the Courage of Courage & Doll goes solo. That's right, our Doll is M.I.A. Katie's busy with her English major probs, so I'm returning the favor for our Scott Pilgrim week. I'm nearly done with finals (for good) and I wanted to pass along a little senior citizen advice and remind you to fill out your course evaluations.

Stay tuned for a talk on Eroda, vision boards, and problematic professors.

***I definitely sent Katie the less censored version of this podcast.

Excerpts to come?

Hmmm. . . Maybe. 👀

I know where my breakdown is going to be, but do you?

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