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Share Your Bunker, Dunker: A Tall Girl Talk - Episode 62

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

"You think your life is hard . . ."

Try getting sleep when your house is becoming a foreign exchange fraternity. Beat that.

In this week's pod we're reviewing the Netflix Original "Tall Girl." Jodi has it all: a pair of Nikes, a New Orleans mansion, and INCHES on her classmates. A 6'1 vertical advantage isn't enough to coast through the highs and lows of high school. When a Swedish stud named Stig comes around, she's ready to ditch the boiler suit and high pony for a shot at love.

Tonight, it's 47° and clear, and we're ready to tell you how the weather is up here.

Stand by for

milk crate book bags,

confusing names,

and our casting call for the next insecure girl™️ to grace our screens.

It's 2019.

Everyone's lactose intolerant.

What kind of non-dairy milk are you?

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