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Her Overeating & Over Killing Habits: Insatiable Season 2 Recap - Episode 68

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

We're back in Masonville with self-obsessed pageant queen Patty Bladell.

That's right, we watched season 2 of the Netflix original series "Insatiable."

This season's episodes may have been more binge-worthy, but our favorite first runner-up hasn't changed a bit. Through boyfriend breakups and binge buddy bickering, she's still consuming those calories and expanding that ego. Not to mention, she's racked up quite the body count. Thank god for Overeaters Anonymous. Don't let your tiara slip. Stick around as we weigh-in on a season of poor gift giving, the biracial blues, and some serious survival skills.

We also hit on a few of the questionable performances at this year's American Music Awards.

Guess we're not Miss Congeniality.

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